Events and Projects » Invitations and Trips with Museum Friends » Terasta Elgiz Jazz Gecesi

Terasta Elgiz Jazz Gecesi

Events and Projects

Elgiz Jazz Night brings Collectors and Artists together!Elgiz Jazz Night brings Collectors and Artists together!

Elgiz Museum's Jazz Night for the benefit of the art association was hosted by Dalia Garih, one of the partners of Alarko Group of Companies, on the evening of 17 September. As every year, the 16th Sculpture Exhibition On the Trail of a Dream, held on the terrace of the Elgiz Museum, brought collectors and art lovers together with artists. This special night between the sculptures was accompanied by the valuable jazz artist Eylül Ergül with her music.

Dalia Garih's eloquent speech to the distinguished guests brought to the fore the Elgiz Museum's 23-year commitment to Turkish art, its support for Turkish art to take place on international platforms and its patronage of sculpture artists. Turkish sculpture art started to gain strength as sculptures became more and more common in workplaces, homes and gardens. In order to give sculpture artists more visibility, a committee consisting of the Friends of the Elgiz Museum Art Association works to continue this support night every year.

The Terrace Exhibitions, which are organised by the Elgiz Museum every year to support young sculpture artists, are exhibited with the decision of the jury consisting of Seyhun Topuz, Prof. Dr. Rahmi Aksungur, Prof. Dr. Nilüfer Ergin, Assoc. Ömer Emre Yavuz and Assoc. Meliha Sözeri after the open call. The exhibition can be visited at the Elgiz Museum terrace until 2 November 2024.


Tuesday- Wednesday- Thursday- Friday
Closed on Sunday - Monday and public holidays.
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